User-friendly platform for smart care solutions
For personal alarm and residential access up to medication guiding and lifestyle monitoring: there are more and more smart solutions for care that help people to remain self-sufficient longer. But which solutions work best for your clients? And how can you as a care provider keep an overview?
The answer is Zintouch. By combining the various modules clients can mix and match solutions for care and compose a made-to-measure package themselves. While you can easily manage and monitor the package. In one user-friendly environment.

An authority in the field of mobile personal alarm, extensive range of other modules
More care providers will know Zintouch as a specialist in personal alarm In the field of mobile personal alarm, in particular, we are among the forerunners; in the care sector we are considered to be an authority in this field.
But we have a lot more to offer to you and your clients. By now we have added to our platform modules for wander control, medication guiding, access to the house, lifestyle monitoring, care communication, workers’ safety and messages about well-being.
Privacy first: processing of client data according to AVG/GDPR
As from 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the ‘Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG - General Regulation for the Protection of Data) have been effective. That is one more reason to choose Zintouch. For at our platform all client data are processed and stored ‘by default’ and ‘by design’ according to AVG/GDPR.

“For clients and for workers it is an ideal situation that all is running on one and the same platform.”