
lifestyle monitoring

Detecting deviations in the living pattern of clients automatically

Someone who goes out of bed at night more often. Or is less active than normally during the day. Or suddenly goes to the washroom a lot more often. These are signals that there is something the matter with someone. Zintouch can help you to pick up this sort of signals automatically from now on. Without the need to install cameras or microphones.

Zintouch lifestyle monitoring works on the basis of motion sensors. In combination with smart software they provide a map of the individual living pattern of a client. Are there deviations from this pattern? Then you will get a message automatically. In this way you will be able to follow clients outside the regular care encounters, you can anticipate on crisis situations and take measures sooner in case of an emergency.

In addition, the information that lifestyle monitoring provides, gives care organisations a wider range of possibilities to offer individual patients tailored care. While ensuring clients’ privacy.  Because all data that you gather and save through the Zintouch platform, will be treated ‘by default’ and ‘by design’ according to AVG/GDPR.


How does life style monitoring work?


1. Monitoring pattern of living
By means of sensors in the house

2. Real-time data processing
Through smart software

3. Automated messaging
Contact persons will receive a message in the case of a deviation from the living pattern

4. Worried?
Contact person will check whether all is well and will call in help, if necessary

5. Self-learning algorithm
Which makes the system increasingly more accurate

Zintouch lifestyle monitoring because:


Monitoring of living pattern by means of motion sensors and smart software


Automated messaging in the case of deviations from the living pattern


Useful information for tailored care


Combining lifestyle monitoring and other care solutions

In addition to lifestyle monitoring Zintouch offers more smart solutions for care Thanks to the modular set-up of our platform every client can simply combine these solutions into one entire package of care. While professional providers of care can easily manage and monitor all this.


Are you interested in Zintouch lifestyle monitoring?

Would you like to see a demo version of our platform? Receive a quotation? Meet us in person? Please do contact us!
