
Wander control

Using GPS monitoring to prevent dangerous situations

Obviously we need not explain to you, the professional care provider, how risky wandering can be. Clients may loose their way, may fall, skip their medication... Not to mention more serious accidents. Obviously these kinds of risks can never be fully avoided. But by using wander control the chance that something happens can be considerable reduced.

Zintouch wander control and GPS monitoring can be used to keep an eye on clients that need that. A pleasant feeling for caregivers, but also for carers and for clients themselves. At a glance one can see on one’s smartphone where the client is. Even if one is not physically nearby.

Zintouch wander control features a function that is called geofencing, and by means of that function one can set safe zones for the client. The moment that a client wanders outside these zones, one will receive a message. This way one can check whether everything is in order and take immediate action, if needed.


How does wander control work?


1. Setting safe zones
By tapping a map (up to 3 zones)

2. Adapting radius
To make a safe zone larger or smaller

3. Message
The moment the client enters or leaves a zone that has been se

4. Tracking the client
By means of localisation

This is why Zintouch wander control is your system of choice


Localisation of vulnerable clients always on your screen


Automatic message in the case of wandering (leaving the safe zone)


Tracing the client through the Zintouch platform if the situation so requires

Als je een melding krijgt, dan kun je via het Zintouch platform meteen zien waar iemand zich bevindt. In gevaarlijke situaties ben je daardoor sneller ter plaatse.
— Elise Torfs, Wit-Gele Kruis Antwerpen

Combining wander control and other care solutions

In addition to wander control Zintouch has more to offer in the field of smart solution for care. Through the modular design of our platform every client can easily combine these solutions into one custom package of solutions for care. And, what is more, caregivers can easily manage and monitor the entire package.


Interested in Zintouch wander control?

Would you like to see a demo version of our platform? Receive an offer? Meet us in person? Please do contact us!